izv.prof.dr.sc. Barbara Puh

  • Hrvatski
  • English
izv.prof.dr.sc. Barbara Puh

aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 923
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
Lapadska obala 7, Dubrovnik
Termin konzultacija:
Utorak 10:00 - 11:00
Četvrtak 09:00 - 10:00
Rođena 1981. u Dubrovniku, Republika Hrvatska. Udana, majka dvoje djece. Redoviti studij na Fakultetu za turizam i vanjsku trgovinu, koji je tada djelovao kao sastavnica Sveučilišta u Splitu, završila je na smjeru Turizam 2005.
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij „Poslovna ekonomija“ upisala je 2006. na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu, gdje je, uz mentorsko vodstvo prof. dr. sc. Tanje Kesić, izradila i obranila doktorsku disertaciju „Utjecaj determinirajućih čimbenika na imidž turističke destinacije“ u ožujku 2013., te stekla akademski stupanj doktora znanosti, polje ekonomija, grana marketing. Prema postojećem nastavnom planu i programu nositeljica je kolegija „Upravljanje markom“, i „Strategije marketinga u turizmu“, te sunositljica kolegija Marketinško istraživanje“ i „Istraživanje turističkih tržišta“ na diplomskom sveučilišnom studiju Poslovna ekonomija. Također je nositeljica kolegija "Istraživanje tržišta" na stručnom preddiplomskom studiju Hotelijerstvo, restoraterstvo i gastronomija, kolegija „Marketing“ na preddiplomskom studiju Akvakultura, te kolegija „Marketinško upravljanje“ na preddiplomskom studiju Pomorske tehnologije jahta i marina.
Sunositeljica je na kolegijima Marketing research, i Market research in Tourism na Double Degree studiju i sudjeluje u nastavi na kolegiju Integrated marketing Communications. Autorica je većeg broja radova te sudionica većeg broja projekata. Aktivno sudjeluje na domaćim i međunarodnim konferencijama. Članica je Hrvatske udruge za marketing (CROMAR), aktivno koristi engleski jezik u govoru i pismu, a pasivno talijanski jezik.


  • 115166 - Marketinško istraživanje
  • 130251 - Upravljanje markom
  • 167306 - Marketing research
  • 189510 - Market Research in Tourism
  • 224770 - Istraživanje zadovoljstva klijenata banaka
  • 241706 - Brend menadžment
  • 252718 - Marketing u marikulturi


  • 63601 - Izrada diplomskog rada
  • 115166 - Marketinško istraživanje
  • 167306 - Marketing research
  • 189510 - Market Research in Tourism
  • 224770 - Istraživanje zadovoljstva klijenata banaka
Pavlić, I, Portolan, A and Puh, B. (2017): (Un)supported Current Tourism Development in UNESCO Protected Site: The Case of Old City of Dubrovnik, Economies, V.5, No.9,. pp.1-13
Pavlić, I., Vojvodić, K. i Puh, B. (2018.): Segmenting the Baby Boom Generation: An Example of Croatian consumers, Ekonomski vjesnik, V.31, No.1,pp.47-63
Pavlić, I, Portolan, A and Puh, B.: Is There a Need for Local Environmental Policy Creation Regarding Tourism Impacts, European Journal of Transformation Studies, V.6, No.2, 2018, pp.104-116
Pavlić I., Portolan, A., Puh, B., Does Tourism Cut the Branch it is Sitting On? –Local Residents’ Perspective, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2019., pp. 169-180
Pavlić I., Portolan, A., Puh, B., Segmenting local residents by perceptions of tourism impacts in an urban World Heritage Site: The case of Dubrovnik. Journal of Heritage Tourism, V.15, No.4, Jul 2020, pp. 398-409
Pavlić I., Puh, B. and Mišković Lj.The Perceprion of Travellers and the World Heritage Site Image, Tourism, V.68, No.2, 2020., p. 181-194
15. Pavlić I., Portolan, A. and Puh, B. (2018). Tourism sesonality and level of irritation in a World heritage site: Old city of Dubrovnik,Croatia, 7th International Scientific symposium Economy of eastern Croatia- Vision and Growth, 24.-26.5.2018, Osijek, Croatia, pp.63-73
16. Pavlić I., Portolan, A. and Puh, B. (2018). Does living distance from the center of tourism activities influence on local residents’ quality of life?, 5th INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 8, August 26 th- September 1 st , 2018
Albena , Bulgaria, Conference proceedings, Vol. 5, Issue 1.3, pp. 575-583, ISBN 978-619-7408-63-8, ISSN 2367-5659, DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/1.3.

17. Pavlić I., Puh, B. and Mišković Lj. (2019): Residents' attitudes towards tourism impacts in rural area , 5th International Scientific conference ToSEE- - Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe 2019, 16. – 18.5. 2019, Opatija, Croatia, Conference Proceedings, V.5, pp.521-532
18. Puh, B.: Destination Image: Differences between Various Tourists Segments (2020), 9th International Scientific Symposium REGION ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (RED 2020), Osijek, 2020, Conference proceedings, pp. 1272-1285, ISSN 1848-9559

Područja istraživanja:
istraživanje tržišta
ponašanje potrošača
stavovi lokalnog stanovništva
Objavljeni radovi:

Google Scholar

izv.prof.dr.sc. Barbara Puh

Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Economics and Business Economics
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 923
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
Lapadska obala 7, Dubrovnik
Office hours:
Tuesday: 10:00 – 11:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 10:00
Born in 1981 in Dubrovnik, Republic of Croatia. Married, mother of two children. She completed her full-time studies at the Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade, which was then a part of the University of Split, in the field of Tourism in 2005.
She enrolled in the postgraduate doctoral study "Business Economics" in 2006. at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism , University of Split, where, under the mentorship of full professor Tanja Kesić, she prepared and defended her doctoral dissertation "Influence of determining factors on the image of a tourist destination" in March 2013, and obtained the academic degree of Doctor of Science, field of economics, marketing. According to the existing curriculum, she teaches the courses "Brand Management" and "Marketing Strategies in Tourism", and co-teaches the courses "Marketing Research" and "Research of Tourist Markets" at the graduate university study of Business Economics. She is also the lecturer of the course "Market Research" at the undergraduate study of Hospitality, Restaurant and Gastronomy, the course "Marketing" at the undergraduate study of Aquaculture, and the course "Marketing Management" at the undergraduate study of Yacht and Marine Technology.
She is a co-lecturer in the courses Marketing research, and Market research in Tourism at the Double Degree study and participates in classes in the course Integrated Marketing Communications. She is the author of a number of papers and a participant in a number of projects, domestic and international conferences. She is a member of the Croatian Marketing Association (CROMAR), actively uses English in speech and writing, and passively Italian.
  • 234392 - Tourism destination brand management
  • 234403 - Neuromarketing
  • 245841 - Management of tourism destination brand
  • 245847 - Neuromarketing
  • 224770 -
  • 241706 - Brend menadžment
  • 241671 - Tourism Market Research
  • 252718 - Mariculture Marketing
  • 115166 - Marketing Research
  • 130251 - Brand Management
  • 40216 - Marketing Management
  • 189510 - Market Research in Tourism
  • 167306 - Marketing research
  • 220733 - Tourism destination brand management
  • 220739 - Neuromarketing
  • 234392 - Tourism destination brand management
  • 234403 - Neuromarketing
  • 245841 - Management of tourism destination brand
  • 245847 - Neuromarketing
  • 224770 -
  • 115166 - Marketing Research
  • 238584 - Final Thesis
  • 63601 - Work on Final Degree Thesis
  • 189510 - Market Research in Tourism
  • 167306 - Marketing research
  • 220733 - Tourism destination brand management
  • 220739 - Neuromarketing
Pavlić, I, Portolan, A and Puh, B. (2017): (Un)supported Current Tourism Development in UNESCO Protected Site: The Case of Old City of Dubrovnik, Economies, V.5, No.9,. pp.1-13
Pavlić, I., Vojvodić, K. i Puh, B. (2018.): Segmenting the Baby Boom Generation: An Example of Croatian consumers, Ekonomski vjesnik, V.31, No.1,pp.47-63
Pavlić, I, Portolan, A and Puh, B.: Is There a Need for Local Environmental Policy Creation Regarding Tourism Impacts, European Journal of Transformation Studies, V.6, No.2, 2018, pp.104-116
Pavlić I., Portolan, A., Puh, B., Does Tourism Cut the Branch it is Sitting On? –Local Residents’ Perspective, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2019., pp. 169-180
Pavlić I., Portolan, A., Puh, B., Segmenting local residents by perceptions of tourism impacts in an urban World Heritage Site: The case of Dubrovnik. Journal of Heritage Tourism, V.15, No.4, Jul 2020, pp. 398-409
Pavlić I., Puh, B. and Mišković Lj.The Perceprion of Travellers and the World Heritage Site Image, Tourism, V.68, No.2, 2020., p. 181-194
15. Pavlić I., Portolan, A. and Puh, B. (2018). Tourism sesonality and level of irritation in a World heritage site: Old city of Dubrovnik,Croatia, 7th International Scientific symposium Economy of eastern Croatia- Vision and Growth, 24.-26.5.2018, Osijek, Croatia, pp.63-73
16. Pavlić I., Portolan, A. and Puh, B. (2018). Does living distance from the center of tourism activities influence on local residents’ quality of life?, 5th INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 8, August 26 th- September 1 st , 2018
Albena , Bulgaria, Conference proceedings, Vol. 5, Issue 1.3, pp. 575-583, ISBN 978-619-7408-63-8, ISSN 2367-5659, DOI: 10.5593/sgemsocial2018/1.3.

17. Pavlić I., Puh, B. and Mišković Lj. (2019): Residents' attitudes towards tourism impacts in rural area , 5th International Scientific conference ToSEE- - Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe 2019, 16. – 18.5. 2019, Opatija, Croatia, Conference Proceedings, V.5, pp.521-532
18. Puh, B.: Destination Image: Differences between Various Tourists Segments (2020), 9th International Scientific Symposium REGION ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (RED 2020), Osijek, 2020, Conference proceedings, pp. 1272-1285, ISSN 1848-9559

Research interests:
market research
Consumer behavior
local residents attitudes
Published papers:

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