Predavanje za studente – Oceanic Engineering Society

Pridružite nam se u četvrtak, 10. listopada 2019. godine u 10 sati, na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku, zgrada Ćira Carića 4, u dvorani B19, na prezentaciji IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) Studentskog ogranka Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (UNIZG SBC). Prezentaciju će održati Ivana Mikolić, koja radi kao voditeljica projekata za dva laboratorija na UNIZG-FER-u, i to LARICS (Laboratorija za robotiku i inteligentne upravljačke sustave) i LABUST (Laboratorija za podvodne sustave i tehnologije), te Nadir Kapetanović koji je trenutno student na doktorskom studiju u području pomorske robotike na UNIZG-FER i tajnik studentskog ogranka.
Na ovoj prezentaciji ćete imati priliku čuti o najmlađem, ali vrlo aktivnom studentskom ogranku u hrvatskoj sekciji IEEE-a, umrežavanju i mogućnostima putovanja koje članstvo u ovom SBC-u donosi, kao i o mogućnostima profesionalnog i osobnog usavršavanja, o razmjeni znanja i iskustava s kolegama, sudjelovanju u radionicama, natjecanjima i konferencijama poput “Breaking the Surface”, OCEANS i mnogim drugim, susretanju budućih mentora, kolega i predstavnika industrije, kao i o aktivnostima kompatibilnim sa sveučilišnim kolegijima i ispitima.

Join us on Thursday, 10th of October 2019 at 10h, at University of Dubrovnik, building at Ćira Carića 4, lecture room B19, for a presentation of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) University of Zagreb Student Branch Chapter (UNIZG SBC). The presentation will be given by Ivana Mikolić, who is currently working as a project manager for two laboratories at UNIZG-FER, namely LARICS (Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control systems) and LABUST (Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies), and by Nadir Kapetanović who is currently a PhD student in the field of marine robotics at UNIZG-FER LABUST and is the secretary of the SBC.
Attendees of this presentation will have a chance to hear about the youngest but very active Student Branch Chapter in the IEEE Croatian Section, the networking and travel opportunities which the membership in this SBC brings, as well as professional and personal improvement opportunities, peer-to-peer exchange of knowledge and experience, participation in workshops, competitions, and conferences such as Breaking the Surface, OCEANS, and many more, meeting future mentors, colleagues and members of the industry, as well as about activities compatible with university credit courses.

Predhodni članakE-JN-82-2019 Klima uređaji – nabava i ugradnja
Slijedeći članakObavijest studentima preddiplomskog stručnog studija Sestrinstvo