Erasmus students took part in theme walking tours around the city

The last two weekends, our exchange students from the Erasmus program took part in the theme walking tours of Haunted Dubrovnik!

Marija Milovac, the author of Haunted Dubrovnik tours, took us on a trip through the dark past of the city and shared many interesting legends, urban folklore beliefs and even stories about ghost and apparitions of Dubrovnik that in certain moments made our hairs stand on end!

The first week we went on “Ghosts and mysteries of Dubrovnik tour”, which took us through the Pile suburb of the old town. We learned the history of Dubrovnik cemetery Boninovo, of the city park Gradac and of the Pile suburb itself.

The second week, Marija hosted “Dark tales of the Old Town tour” on which we learned about historical buildings and areas of the old town, but again the accent was more on the secret stories from the past, such as conspiracies, forbidden love or tragedies.

It was really fun way to wander through some back alleys and to learn more about some unknown parts of the city and its history!

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