Department of Arts and Restoration visits the Marin Getaldić Elementary School within the Blue-connect project

Teachers from the Department of Arts and Restoration, Assistant Professor Tanja Dujaković (doc. art.) and Associate Professor Lucia Emanuele, PhD, held a lecture/workshop for the pupils of the 8A/8B grades of the Marin Getaldić Elementary School on the topic ‘Recycling or Reusing’ within the Blue-connect project as part of this year’s European Researchers’ Night.

The lecture presented the topic of correct sorting of waste and provided an explanation about the concepts such of sorting, reusing and recycling The lecture helped pupils to become familiar with different materials, their features and how they impact the sea and the environment in general. The second part of the lecture was designed as an interactive educational workshop. The pupils learned how to recognise the symbols for recycling of material and to sort waste in respective bins with respective symbols and colours for that particular type of waste.

In the conversation with pupils, it could be noticed that only one third regularly sort waste, which confirms that this type of activity, carried out in order to sensitise young people about this topic, is very much needed.

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