During its final evaluation, project ” Enhance Soft Skills to Nurture Competitiveness and Employability – ESSENCE” was awarded the label “example of good practice” by the Polish Erasmus+ national agency.
“Good practice” is the label awarded by Erasmus + National Agency to the projects that have been particularly well managed and can be a source of inspiration for others. Assessment takes into consideration the criteria of relevance of project results and objectives, quality of project management and impact and dissemination of project results.
ESSENCE is Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project aimed at employability of students through the development of transversal skills.
During its implementation, the project produced training in the areas of coordination, creativity, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision- making , critical thinking, complex problem solving and cognitive flexibility that are made available through a multilingual open educational platform.
As part of the development of educational materials, an international survey of employers’ attitudes on the mismatch between needs and availability of transversal skills among students was conducted, and over 200 members of the target group have already gone through the trainings organized by the project consortium.
The ESSENCE project was carried out in the period from December 2020 to November 2022 by an international consortium of higher education institutions, representatives of the business sector and non-governmental organizations from Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Belgium, Italy and Spain under the coordination of the University of Information Technology and Management from Rzeszów , Poland .
CREDO team led by prof. Nebojša Stojčić and involving prof. Katija Vojvodić and associate professors Perica Vojinić and Marija Bečić coordinated the development of guidelines for the application of project results and contributed to the development of educational materials, analysis of the attitudes of employers in the Republic of Croatia and conducting training among members of the target group.
More information about the project is available at: https://proje c tessence.eu