Marine litter cross-border awareness and innovation actions
The MARLESS project intends to tackle the problem of Marine Litter in the Adriatic Sea from many fronts in order to obtain visible and concrete results. Numerous in fact are the factors that intervene in the creation of Marine Litter, plastics coming from the inland, plastics from the touristic or aquaculture sector. The project then addresses the problem in a holistic way and develops over 6 WPs aimed at attacking the problem on all fronts, and for this reason, it fits well into the Strategic framework of this call, because involves all the direct or indirect responsible actors of the Marine Litter, which together can represent the solution to the problem. The project is therefore divided into:
Monitoring actions aimed at comparing the partners on the methodologies used in the Marine Strategy on their own territories and at implementing a profitable mix of good practices as well as enhancing the actions already implemented.
Governance and raising awareness actions aimed at carrying forward citizen engagement interventions both in schools, in the tourism sector and in a more holistic and integrated perspective of the Costal Contract;
Integrated regulatory management actions aimed at identifying the nodes where the application of different regulations intersects and causes bottlenecks that hinder the effectiveness of the interventions
Pilot actions aim to test experimental actions whose outcomes will then be collected in toolboxes for the benefit of all partners who can then transfer them to their own territories.