izv.prof.dr.sc. Ivica Martinjak

  • Hrvatski
  • English
izv.prof.dr.sc. Ivica Martinjak

aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za elektrotehniku i računarstvo
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 936
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Ured (prostorija):
Ćira Carića
Termin konzultacija:
prema dogovoru
Ivica Martinjak je znanstvenik u području matematike i sveučilišni profesor. Rođen je u Svetom Ivanu Zelini gdje je odrastao i završio osnovnu školu. Po završetku studija na Prirodoslovno matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu zapošljava se kao gimnezijski profesor u Sv. Ivanu Zelini. Potom tijekom četiri godine radi u poslovnom sektoru u Societe Generale Splitskoj banci, najprije kao analitičar rizika, a zatim kao specijalist za tržišne rizike. Doktorirao je 2010. godine na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu s temom iz kombinatoričke geometrije. Nakon doktorata usavršavao se na matematičkim institutima Sveučilišta u Cambridgeu i Sorbone. Na Zajedničkom sveučilišnom poslijediplomskom doktorskom studiju matematike u Zagrebu predaje kolegije iz kombinatornog dijela matematike. Na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku nositelj je više matematičkih kolegija. Do sada je bio nositelj i izvodio nastavu iz 15ak sveučilišnih kolegija iz područja matematike, na sveučilištima u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku, Dubrovniku i Mostaru. Trenutno je voditelj za disertaciju dvjema doktorandicama, a do sada je bio mentor za osmero diplomskih studenata. Na konferencijama i institucijama u Hrvatskoj i desetak drugih zemalja održao je 59 predavanja, pretežito s originalnim znanstvenim prilogom. Na Matematičkom odsjeku Prirodoslovno matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu održao je 14 seminara, a na Odjelu za matematiku Prirodoslovno matematičkog fakulteta u Splitu održao je seminar i kolokvij.

Njegova postignuća uključuju produbljivanje razumijevanja djelovanja automorfizama kod konačnih geometrija, dokaz da su asocijacijske sheme inkluzije dvoravnina, dokaze više familija identiteta za particijsku funkciju, zapažanje određenih komplementarnih i drugih identiteta za brojevne nizove.

Do sada je objavio preko trideset znanstvenih radova u američkim, francuskim i drugim časopisima te sedam stručnih radova na hrvatskom jeziku. Objavljuje u časopisima Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Discrete Mathematics, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, American Mathematical Monthly i drugima. Urednik je dvaju zbornika radova. Recenzent je za petnaestak znanstvenih časopisa te za MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews. Član je Hrvatskog matematičkog društva i američkog društva Mathematical Association of America. Autor je znanstveno-popularne uspješnice Susreti konačnog i beskonačnog.


  • 192285 - Financijska matematika


  • 192285 - Financijska matematika
A Dual of Colored Tilings Terminating Sums, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 50 (2) 2020, 589-597, with M. Glunčić and V. Paar

Two infinite families of terminating binomial sums, Period Math Hung, 75(2), 2017, 244-254

Algebraic Properties of the Canonical Incidence Matrix of a Biplane, Discrete Math, 340/12, 2017, 2807-2812

Two Extensions of the Sury’s Identity, Amer. Math. Monthly, 123 (9), 2016, p.919.

Some Families of Identities for the Integer Partition Function, Math. Commun., 20(2), 2015, 193-200, with D. Svrtan

Područja istraživanja:
Ivica Martinjak je hrvatski znanstvenik u području teorijske matematike. Njegovi primarni znanstveni interesu uključuju algebarsku kombinatorku, kombinatoričku geometirju te teoriju particija s implikacijama u fizici. Njegova postignu'ca ukljuv cuju produbljivanje razumijevanja djelovanja automorfizama kod konav cnih geometrija, dokaz da su asocijacijske sheme inkluzije dvoravnina, dokaze viv se familija identiteta za particijsku funkciju, zapav zanje odredj enih komplementarnih i drugih identiteta za brojevne nizove.
Objavljeni radovi:

Google Scholar

izv.prof.dr.sc. Ivica Martinjak

Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Engineering and Technology
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 936
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
Ćira Carića
Office hours:
Every Thursday at 11:00
Ivica Martinjak is a scientist in the field of mathematics and an university professor. He was born in Sveti Ivan Zelina where he grew up and finished primary school. After graduating from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, he was employed as a high school professor in Sv. Ivan Zelina. He then worked for four years in the business sector at Societe Generale Splitska banka, firstly as a risk analyst and then as a market risk specialist. Ivica Martinjak received his PhD in 2010 from the University of Zagreb with a thesis in combinatorial geometry. After his PhD he got visiting positions at the mathematical institutes of the University of Cambridge and the Sorbonne. He teaches courses in the combinatorial part of mathematics at the Croatian joint postgraduate doctoral study of mathematics in Zagreb. He teaches several mathematics courses at the University of Dubrovnik. Until now, he has taught about 15 university courses in the field of mathematics at the universities of Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Dubrovnik and Mostar. Currently he serve as a supervisor for two doctoral students, and has been a mentor for eight graduate students. Ivica Martinjak has given 59 lectures at conferences and institutions in Croatia and a dozen other countries, mostly with original scientific contributions. He held 14 seminars at the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and a seminar and colloquium at the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science in Split.

His achievements include contribution to the understanding of the automorphism group action within finite geometries, proving that association scheme inclusion of symmetric biplanes, proving some family of identities for a partition function, and observing certain complementary and other identity for number sequences.

So far, he has published over thirtyscientific papers in American, French and other journals, as well as seven professional papers in the Croatian language. His research record includes journals like Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Discrete Mathematics, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, American Mathematical Monthly and others. He is the editor of two proceedings, and he serves as an reviewer for fifteen scientific journals and for MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews. He is a member of the Croatian Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.

  • 225276 - Linear Algebra
  • 192285 - Financial Mathematics
  • 225276 - Linear Algebra
  • 192285 - Financial Mathematics
A Dual of Colored Tilings Terminating Sums, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 50 (2) 2020, 589-597, with M. Glunčić and V. Paar

Two infinite families of terminating binomial sums, Period Math Hung, 75(2), 2017, 244-254

Algebraic Properties of the Canonical Incidence Matrix of a Biplane, Discrete Math, 340/12, 2017, 2807-2812

Two Extensions of the Sury’s Identity, Amer. Math. Monthly, 123 (9), 2016, p.919.

Some Families of Identities for the Integer Partition Function, Math. Commun., 20(2), 2015, 193-200, with D. Svrtan

Research interests:
Ivica Martinjak is a Croatian scientist in the field of theoretical mathematics. His primary scientific interests include algebraic combinatorics, combinatorial geometry, and partition theory with implications in physics. His achievements include contribution to the understanding of the automorphism group action within finite geometries, proving that association scheme inclusion of symmetric biplanes, proving some family of identities for a partition function, and observing certain complementary and other identity for number sequences.
Published papers:

Google Scholar

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