prof.dr.sc. Martin Lazar
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za elektrotehniku i računarstvo
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 842
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
B28Ć. Carića 4
Termin konzultacija:
Četvrtak, 15h, ili po dogovoru mailom
41183 - Matematika IV
78829 - Primijenjena matematika
Lazar, Martin; Loheac, Jerome: Output controllability in a long time horizon. // Automatica. 113 (2020) ; 1-8
Hernandez-Santamarıa, Victor; Lazar, Martin; Zuazua, Enrique: Greedy optimal control for elliptic problems and its application to turnpike problems. // Numerische Mathematik. 141 (2019) , 2; 455-493
Antonić, Nenad; Erceg, Marko; Lazar, Martin: Localisation principle for one-scale H-measures. // Journal of functional analysis. 272 (2017)
Lazar, Martin; Zuazua, Enrique: Greedy controllability of finite dimensional linear systems. // Automatica. 74 (2016) ; 327-340
Lazar, Martin; Mitrović, Darko: Velocity averaging – a general framework. // Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations. 9 (2012) , 3; 239-260
Orlić, Mirko; Lazar, Martin: Cyclonic versus anticyclonic circulation in lakes and inland seas. // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 39 (2009) , 9; 2247-2263
The complete list on http://www.martin-lazar.from.hr/publications/
Područja istraživanja:
Control theory: Control of parameter dependent systems (greedy control, averaged control), optimal control of parabolic problems
Microlocal analysis: PDEs and homogenisation, velocity averaging,
microlocal defect functionals (1-scale H-measures, semiclassical measures, H-distributions)
Geophysical fluid dynamics: analytical modelling in oceanography
Objavljeni radovi:

prof.dr.sc. Martin Lazar
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Engineering and Technology
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 842
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
B28Ć. Carića 4
Office hours:
Thursday, 15h, or upon agreement by e-mail
146508 - Mathematics I
146514 - Mathematics II
32725 - Mathematics III
41183 - Mathematics IV
78829 - Applied Mathematics
146167 - Mathematical Programming Tools
171120 - Probability and Statistic
185954 - Bachelor Thesis
Lazar, Martin; Loheac, Jerome: Output controllability in a long time horizon. // Automatica. 113 (2020) ; 1-8
Hernandez-Santamarıa, Victor; Lazar, Martin; Zuazua, Enrique: Greedy optimal control for elliptic problems and its application to turnpike problems. // Numerische Mathematik. 141 (2019) , 2; 455-493
Antonić, Nenad; Erceg, Marko; Lazar, Martin: Localisation principle for one-scale H-measures. // Journal of functional analysis. 272 (2017)
Lazar, Martin; Zuazua, Enrique: Greedy controllability of finite dimensional linear systems. // Automatica. 74 (2016) ; 327-340
Lazar, Martin; Mitrović, Darko: Velocity averaging – a general framework. // Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations. 9 (2012) , 3; 239-260
Orlić, Mirko; Lazar, Martin: Cyclonic versus anticyclonic circulation in lakes and inland seas. // Journal of Physical Oceanography. 39 (2009) , 9; 2247-2263
The complete list on http://www.martin-lazar.from.hr/publications/