Predavanje – Sosnowski Sosnowski održat će predavanje na Odjelu za elektrotehniku i računarstvo u utorak, 04.09.2018.u 10:00, veliki amfiteatar, zgrada Ćira Carića 4.

U nastavku je poziv na predavanje, sažetak i njegova kratka biografija.

Title: “Flow-field Reconstruction with an Artificial Lateral-line System and Dynamics Modeling for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles“


We present Snookie, an autonomous underwater vehicle with an artificial lateral-line system. Integration of the artificial lateral-line system with other sensory modalities is to enable the robot to perform behaviours as observed in fish, such as obstacle detection and geometrical-shape reconstruction by means of hydrodynamic images. We highlight three major parts of our work covering design of the robot, its lateral-line system, and processing of the ensuing flow-sensory data. More in particular, this includes the development of the autonomous underwater vehicle Snookie,
which provides the functionality and is tailored to the requirements of the artificial lateral-line system, followed by the implementation of the artificial lateral-line system that consists of an array of hot thermistor anemometers integrated in the nozzle. Based on the specific characteristics of our artificial lateral-line system, information processing ensuing from the flow sensors and leading to conclusions about the environment is presented. The measurement of the tangential velocities at the artificial lateral-line system together with the no-penetration condition provides the robot with Cauchy boundary conditions so that the hydrodynamic mapping of
potential flow onto the lateral line can be inverted. Through this
inversion the flow field around the artificial lateral line provides
information about objects in the neighbourhood altering the flow field.
This novel sensory system can then be used with standard robotic techniques such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for creating maps of the environment and navigation. Additionally, the flow information can be used to improve the dynamics and control of the robot.


Stefan Sosnowski is a lecturer at the Institute for Information-oriented Control, Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany. From 2007 to 2013 he has been research assistant at the Institute for Information-oriented Control and the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, TUM. He received the bachelor of science degree (B.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering in 2005 and his diploma engineer degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering in 2007 from TUM. Stefan’s diploma thesis was
carried out at the Distributed Robotics Lab, MIT, Boston, USA, within the AMOUR (Autonomous Modular Optical Underwater Robot) project. He received his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from TUM in 2014, focusing on the biomimetic design and control of robots. His research interests are (bio-inspired) robotics and control systems, with the main application in underwater robotics.

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