Representatives of University of Dubrovnik participate at kick-off meeting of Erasmus+ Play2Green project

Representatives of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Dubrovnik Krunoslav Žubrinić and Ana Kešelj participated in the kick-off meeting of the Play2Green project (Play to Green: Serious Gaming for Universal Access to Green Education). This project was held from 30 November to 2 December 2022 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb.

The Play2Green project will last for three years (2022-2025) and its activities are intended to increase the awareness of students and teachers at all educational levels about the environment and the need to fight against climate changes. The project will try to achieve this two important goals pertaining to ‘green’ topics by meeting:

  • Foster innovative learning and teaching practices about the ‘green’ environmental topics through the development of educational materials in the form of serious games with the theme of ecology, which will be based on new technologies and developed by students from partner institutions, guided by their respective mentors. The idea is to thus try to include the ‘green’ topics in an innovative and interesting way in the teaching curriculum of such courses that do not necessarily include such topics.
  • Also, the aim is to improve the inclusion and diversity in all fields of education and training of the young people, by applying Universal Design in compiling teaching materials, which can be used by all participants of the education process, irrespective of their prior knowledge and capabilities.

The University of Dubrovnik is one of the partners in the project consortium Play2Green, which is comprised of 5 higher education institutions and one NGO for special needs persons from 4 European countries (Croatia, Spain, Hungary and France). The project coordinator is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, and project partners are Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, University of Debrecen, IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, University of Dubrovnik and Asociación de Familias y Personas Sordas de Valencia (ASPAS Valencia). The project has been funded from the Eramsus+ cooperation partnerships programme funds (KA220).

In the first part of the meeting, the project coordinator introduced the representatives of the partners with project details, which was followed by presentations by partner institutions. In the second part of the meeting, project team members presented the plan of work and ideas from their scope of responsibility, followed by a discussion. The meeting was closed with an agreement about the action plan on the implementation of project activities.

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