Applications for the doctoral university programme Business Economics in Digital Environment

University of Dubrovnik, Department of Economics and Business



for the enrolment of the third generation of students in the joint postgraduate (doctoral) university programme Business Economics in Digital Environment for the academic year 2022/2023, carried out by the University of Dubrovnik Department of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb

Basic info about the programme

Programme organized by: University of Dubrovnik

Programme carried out by: University of Dubrovnik Department of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb

Programme duration: Six semesters (three years)

Programme modules: Digital Business, International Business, Marketing, Tourism and Management

Degree awarded upon completion: Doctor of Social Sciences, field of Economics (PhD)

Language of the programme: English language

Programme delivery: Part-time programme

Number students to be enrolled: 30 students

Enrolment requirements:

  • University graduate programme diploma or an integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme diploma (MSc or MA) with at least 300 ECTS credits, or graduation from an appropriate four-year undergraduate university programme in social sciences, field of economics,
  • university graduate programme or an integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme diploma with at least 300 ECTS credits, or graduation from an appropriate four-year undergraduate university study programme in other social sciences or in technical and natural sciences, with the obligation to take differential courses,
  • an average study grade of 3.5. As an exception, the enrolment of students with an average study grade lower than 3.5 can be approved if supported with two letters of recommendation from professors whose courses applicant attended and passed at lower study levels. The grade average from graduate university programme or from integrated undergraduate and graduate programme, or from undergraduate programme is applicable.

Candidates with MSc degree in the field of economics may submit request to be exempt from up to 60 ETCS credits. Up to 30 credits will be exempt to the candidates who have graduated from a postgraduate specialist programme (Bologna) or from a postgraduate professional programme (pre-Bologna) and who have acquired the academic title of university specialist. Final decision on each individual request will be made by the Programme Committee.

The requirements for the programme enrolment are same regardless of nationality or gender of applicants.

Documents needed to for application

You need to enclose the following documents to your application:

  1. Filled-in and hand-signed application form (available below)
  2. Certified copies of diplomas from all study levels
  3. Certified copies of grades from all study levels
  4. Two recommendations by university professors (if your grade average at study/studies is lower than 3.5)
  5. Curriculum vitae
  6. Copy of certificate of nationality (for Croatian nationals) or another corresponding document (for foreign nationals)
  7. Decision on the payment of the tuition fee by a respective organisation (if the tuition fee is to be paid by a legal entity)
  8. Motivation letter (with up to 500 words) showing the motivation for the enrolment in this programme, field of scientific interest and desired results
  9. A list and electronic copies of scientific papers (if applicable)

Student is obliged to produce the originals of the above documents at enrolment. Electronic copies are accepted in application stage.

Selection procedure

Selection will be based on:

  1. Submitted documentation
  2. Interview of the applicant with members of the Programme Committee
  3. Criteria for the Evaluation of Applicants

The Programme Committee will interview all applicants about their motivation for enrolment, their planned field of research and plans for their career development.

Based on reviewing the submitted documentation and based on the interview with the applicants, a ranking list of applicants will be compiled according to the following Criteria for the Evaluation of Applicants:

  • Their success at previous study levels (ranking according to their grade average)
  • Their interest in scientific and research work according to their motivation letter and their interview (elements of evaluation: the ability to critically review literature and one’s own work, plans for their career development, their critical thinking skills)
  • Their proposal about their field of research / doctoral thesis topic (evaluation elements: the originality and relevance of their idea, their logical thinking skills, their scientific literature reading skills, their skills of public presentation of the research topic)
  • Recommendations of two university professors whose courses they had attended and passed (for the applicants with an average study grade lower than 3.5)
  • Their previously published scientific and expert papers (ranking: 1. paper in a magazine indexed in WoS or Scopus, book published by a prominent publisher, 2. paper indexed in other bases, 3. paper in a collection of papers with an international review, 4. paper in a collection of papers with a domestic review, 5. other types of papers)
  • Their experience in scientific and research work in projects (ranking: 1. work in the scientific and research projects financed by the European Union funds (H2020, FP and equivalent), 2. projects of the Croatian Science Foundation or of the national research funds of other countries, 3. other research projects
  • Student awards and recognitions (ranking: 1. international and national awards and recognitions, 2. university or faculty award and recognitions, 3. other types of awards and recognitions).

The timing of the online interviews will be agreed with the applicants who have met the formal requirements for the enrolment in this programme. The interviews will take place after the expiry of the deadline for the submissions of applications.

The Programme Committee will decide on the final list of the applicants selected for the enrolment in this postgraduate university programme, which will be published at the University’s web page.

The University reserves the right not to enrol students in this university programme for the academic year 2022/2023. if it receives less than 5 applications for enrolment.

Deadlines and manner of application

The deadline for the submissions of applications is 28 October 2022.

Applications are to be submitted electronically at the following address:  

Untimely and incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

The planned start of the classes is November 2022.  

Tuition fee

The tuition fee per semester amounts to 18,300.00 Croatian kuna (2.428,80 EUR). The tuition fee for the alumni of the University of Dubrovnik and the University of Zagreb amounts to 15,000.00 kuna (1.990,80 EUR) per semester. Tuition fees are payable in six instalments due at the beginning of each semester.

The fees for differential courses, the costs related to the writing of the dissertation, the costs of diploma printing and other material costs are not included in the above tuition fee.

Additional information

All additional information is available at the programme’s email address or at the phone number +385 20 445 931 and at the programme’s web site:

University of Dubrovnik


Predhodni članakNatječaj za upis na doktorski studij Poslovna ekonomija u digitalnom okruženju
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