Nermin Hasanspahić
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Pomorski odjel
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 740
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
B 40Ćira Carića 4
Termin konzultacija:
Po dogovoru preko elektronske pošte.
Marljiva, ambiciozna i kreativna osoba s vještinama i iskustvom u pomorskom prometu, rukovanju brodovima, međuljudskim odnosima i sigurnosti u brodarstvu.
Zapovjednik broda od 3000 BT ili većeg.
Doktor znanosti iz znanstvenog područja tehničkih znanosti, znanstveno polje tehnologija prometa i transport.
Vujičić, Srđan; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Gundić, Ana; Hrdalo, Niko
Assessment for Ensuring Adequately Qualified Instructors in Maritime Education and Training Institutions. // Athens Journal of Sciences, 7 (2020), 115-126 doi:10.30958/ajs.7-2-4
Vujičić, Srđan; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Car, Maro; Čampara, Leo
Distributed Ledger Technology as a Tool for Environmental Sustainability in the Shipping Industry. // Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (2020), 5; 366, 14 doi:10.3390/jmse8050366
Čampara, Leo; Frančić, Vlado; Maglić , Lovro; Hasanspahić, Nermin
Overview and Comparison of the IMO and the US Maritime Administration Ballast Water Management Regulations. // Journal of marine science and engineering, 7 (2019), 9; 283, 19 doi:10.3390/jmse7090283
Hasanspahić, Nermin; Zec, Damir
Preview of Ballast Water Treatment System Market Status. // Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 64 (2017), 3; 127-132 doi:10.17818/NM/2017/3.8
Bielić, Toni; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Čulin, Jelena
Preventing marine accidents caused by technology-induced human error. // Pomorstvo : journal of maritime studies, 31 (2017), 33-37
Područja istraživanja:
pomorski promet
sigurnost u pomorskom prometu
zaštita pomorskog okoliša
sustav upravljanja izbjegnutim nezgodama
upravljanje balastnim vodama
međuljudski odnosi u pomorskom prometu
Objavljeni radovi: Nermin Hasanspahić
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Maritime Transport
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 740
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
B 40Ćira Carića 4
Office hours:
Ponedjeljkom od 15 do 19h.
Utorkom od 15 do 19h.
I am a hardworking, ambitious and creative person, with skills and experience in maritime transport, shiphandling, human relations and safety of shipping.
146082 - Electronic Navigation
129733 - Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
129738 - Cargoes in Seaborne Trade
146081 - Celestial Navigation
146088 - Navigation Commanding II
158430 - Container and Ro-Ro Transport Technologies
252926 - Electronic Navigation
158432 - Bulk and Specialised Cargo Transport Technology
189638 - Dry Bulk Cargoes and Specialized Cargoes Transport Technology
252930 -
252931 -
32697 - Electronic Navigation
158474 - Final Thesis
146082 - Electronic Navigation
129738 - Cargoes in Seaborne Trade
158448 - Final Thesis
158430 - Container and Ro-Ro Transport Technologies
189639 - Container and Ro-Ro Transport Technologies
252926 - Electronic Navigation
189638 - Dry Bulk Cargoes and Specialized Cargoes Transport Technology
252930 -
252931 -
Master of a ship of 3000 GT or more.
PhD in engineering and technology.
Vujičić, Srđan; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Gundić, Ana; Hrdalo, Niko
Assessment for Ensuring Adequately Qualified Instructors in Maritime Education and Training Institutions. // Athens Journal of Sciences, 7 (2020), 115-126 doi:10.30958/ajs.7-2-4
Vujičić, Srđan; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Car, Maro; Čampara, Leo
Distributed Ledger Technology as a Tool for Environmental Sustainability in the Shipping Industry. // Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (2020), 5; 366, 14 doi:10.3390/jmse8050366
Čampara, Leo; Frančić, Vlado; Maglić , Lovro; Hasanspahić, Nermin
Overview and Comparison of the IMO and the US Maritime Administration Ballast Water Management Regulations. // Journal of marine science and engineering, 7 (2019), 9; 283, 19 doi:10.3390/jmse7090283
Hasanspahić, Nermin; Zec, Damir
Preview of Ballast Water Treatment System Market Status. // Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 64 (2017), 3; 127-132 doi:10.17818/NM/2017/3.8
Bielić, Toni; Hasanspahić, Nermin; Čulin, Jelena
Preventing marine accidents caused by technology-induced human error. // Pomorstvo : journal of maritime studies, 31 (2017), 33-37