Croatian for foreigners / Hrvatski jezik za strance

Courses name

Croatian for Foreigners A1 – module A1.1, A1.2

Croatian for Foreigners A2 – module A2.1, A2.2

Croatian for Foreigners B1 – module B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4

Croatian for Foreigners B2 – module B2.1, B2.2


The programmes are designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Click HERE to see the description of each level.

Croatian for Foreigners A1, A2, B1, B2 courses are intended for all interested attendees whose mother tongue is not Croatian and who would like to get a basic knowledge of the Croatian language. The courses will enable attendees to master the Croatian language norm, to understand speech and written text, spoken interaction and production, as well as texts written in the standard Croatian language about familiar topics and everyday situations. Each course consists of two modules and each module consists of 70 teaching hours.

Duration of course modules

70 hours

The course start date

From February 10th 2025 until April 30th 2025

Course dynamics and schedule

2×3 45-minute teaching hours per week – in the afternoon

Target group

All interested attendees whose mother tongue is not Croatian, provided that they have completed their secondary education

Enrolment requirements
  • completed secondary education
  • computer skills
  • for enrolment in higher level programmes (all programmes except A1.1), it is necessary to attach a language certificate (not older than 3 years) for a lower level or module. For participants who do not have this certificate, a test will be organised and they will be assigned to the appropriate group. The test date must be arranged with the secretary of the Language Centre immediately after registration. Testing will be completed by February 4th, 2025
Manner of course participation

Classes are held in-person.

Manner of course completion

At the end of the programme, language proficiency will be assessed through written and oral exams. After successfully passing the exam, participants will receive a certificate of language proficiency for a specific level from the University of Dubrovnik. For students who have not passed the first exam, an additional exam is organised, which is included in the programme price.

Where the course takes place

Campus Building of the University, adress Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 20000 Dubrovnik

Course price and payment info

390,00 €

Payment info:

Recepient: University of Dubrovnik, Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 20000 Dubrovnik

IBAN: HR0823400091110135015

Reference No: 661515247-24-2

Purpose of payment: (course name)


From January 7th 2025 until February 2nd 2025

Application procedure:

  1. fill out the electronic application form: APPLICATION FORM
  2. submit the following documentation:
  • copy of identity card
  • copy of secondary school diploma or university diploma as an evidence of the completed secondary or university education
  • for enrolment in A1.2 and each subsequent module, a certificate of proficiency in a croatian language at a lower level or module has to be attached or a test taken at the Foreign Language center.

The documentation can be submitted electronically by e-mail address: or in person at the Campus Building of the University at the adress Branitelja Dubrovnika 41 (office number 147).


Upon completion of the application process, payment is to be made and a confirmation of payment submitted electronically by e-mail to address: or in person at the Campus Building of the University at the adress Branitelja Dubrovnika 41 (office number 147).

Due date for the payment is no later then February 5th, 2025

Upon payment, the University of Dubrovnik will enter into contracts with applicants whereby their mutual rights and obligations will be regulated.


The University of Dubrovnik reserves the right not to organise this course in case of a low number of applications. In such case, the University will refund the fees paid within the legal deadline.

Nazivi programa

Hrvatski jezik za strance A1 – modul A1.1, A1.2

Hrvatski jezik za strance A2 – modul A2.1, A2.2

Hrvatski jezik za strance B1 – modul B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4

Hrvatski jezik za strance B2 – modul B2.1, B2.2


Programi Hrvatski jezik za strance A1, A2, B1, B2 / Croatian for foreigners A1, A2, B1 i B2 namijenjeni su svim zainteresiranim polaznicima kojima hrvatski nije materinji jezik, a voljeli bi ovladati temeljima hrvatskog jezika. Programi omogućavaju polaznicima ovladavanje hrvatskom jezičnom normom, osposobljavaju ih za razumijevanje slušanoga i pročitanoga teksta, govornu interakciju i produkciju te pisanu produkciju na hrvatskom standardnom jeziku o poznatim temama te onima vezanim uz svakodnevne životne situacije. Svaki program sastoji se od dva modula (osim programa za razinu B1 koja se sastoji od 4 modula), a svaki modul sastoji se od 70 nastavnih sati i izvodi se kroz 12 tjedana.

Trajanje programa

70 sati

Početak izvođenja programa

Od 10. veljače 2025. do 30. travnja 2025.

Dinamika i termin izvođenja programa

2×3 školska sata tjedno u popodnevnom terminu

Ciljna skupina polaznika

Svi zainteresirani kojima hrvatski jezik nije materinji jezik i koji su završili srednjoškolsko obrazovanje.

Uvjeti za upis
  • završeno srednjoškolsko obrazovanje
  • poznavanje rada na računalu
  • za upis na modul A1.2 i svaki sljedeći modul potrebno je priložiti potvrdu o poznavanju stranog jezika na nižoj jezičnoj razini ili modulu. Za polaznike koji nemaju potvrdu provest će se testiranje i bit će raspoređeni u odgovarajuću grupu. Termin testiranja potrebno je dogovoriti s tajnicom Centra za jezike odmah nakon prijave. Testiranje je moguće obaviti do 4. veljače 2025.
Način sudjelovanja polaznika u izvedbi programa

Za polaznike se organizira redovita nastava u učionici.

Način završetka programa

Po završetku programa provodi se provjera znanja koja se sastoji od pismenog i usmenog dijela. Po uspješno položenom ispitu polaznici će dobiti potvrdu Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku o poznavanju stranog jezika na određenoj razini. Polaznicima koji ne polože ispit u prvome roku organizirat će se jedan dodatni ispitni rok u okviru cijene programa.

Cijena programa i podatci za uplatu

390,00 € jednokratno

Podatci za uplatu:

Primatelj: Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 20000 Dubrovnik

IBAN: HR0823400091110135015

Poziv na broj: 661515247-24-2

Svrha uplate: (upisati naziv programa)


Od 7. siječnja do 2. veljače 2025.

Postupak prijave:

  1. popuniti elektronički obrazac prijave: OBRAZAC
  2. dostaviti slijedeću dokumentaciju:
  • preslik osobne iskaznice
  • preslik svjedodžbe ili diplome kao dokaz o završenoj srednjoj školi ili fakultetu
  • za upis na modul A1.2 i svaki sljedeći modul potrebno je priložiti potvrdu o poznavanju stranog jezika na nižoj jezičnoj razini/modulu ili obaviti testiranje u Centru za jezike (vidi rubriku Uvjeti za upis).

Dokumentacija se može dostaviti elektroničkim putem na adresu: ili osobno u zgradu Kampusa Sveučilišta na adresi Branitelja Dubrovnika 41 (ured broj 147).


Po završetku postupka prijava potrebno je izvršiti uplatu cijene programa i potvrdu o izvršenoj uplati dostaviti elektroničkim putem na adresu: ili osobno u zgradu Kampusa Sveučilišta na adresi Branitelja Dubrovnika 41 (ured broj 147).

Uplatu cijene programa treba izvršiti najkasnije do 5. veljače 2025.

Nakon izvršene uplate, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku će s polaznicima sklopiti ugovor kojim će se regulirati međusobna prava i obveze.


Sveučilište u Dubrovniku pridržava pravo neodržavanja programa u slučaju malog broja polaznika, s tim da će se prethodno izvršene uplate vratiti uplatitelju u zakonskom roku.

Courses name

Croatian for Foreigners A1.1


The programmes are designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Click HERE to see the description of each level.

Croatian for Foreigners courses are intended for all interested attendees whose mother tongue is not Croatian and who would like to get a basic knowledge of the Croatian language. The courses will enable attendees to master the Croatian language norm, to understand speech and written text, spoken interaction and production, as well as texts written in the standard Croatian language about familiar topics and everyday situations. Module consists of 70 teaching hours.

Duration of course modules

70 hours

The course start date

28th March 2023.

Course dynamics and schedule

3×3 45-minute teaching hours per week

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00 PM

Enrolment requirements
  • completed secondary education
  • computer skills
Manner of course participation

Classes are held in-person.

Manner of course completion

At the end of the programme, language proficiency will be assessed through written and oral exams. After successfully passing the exam, participants will receive a certificate of language proficiency for a specific level from the University of Dubrovnik. For students who have not passed the first exam, an additional exam is organised, which is included in the programme price.

Where the course takes place

Campus Building of the University, adress Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 20000 Dubrovnik


From 10th March to 22th March 2023.

Application procedure:

  1. fill out the electronic application form: APPLICATION FORM
  2. submit the following documentation:
  • copy of identity card
  • copy of secondary school diploma or university diploma as an evidence of the completed secondary or university education

The documentation can be submitted electronically by e-mail address: or in person at the Campus Building of the University at the adress Branitelja Dubrovnika 41.


The University of Dubrovnik reserves the right not to organise this course in case of a low number of applications.

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vizual knjižnice
e-učenje upute
vizual knjižnice