New Strategy and Action Plan adopted by UNIDU Senate
The Senate of the University of Dubrovnik on its 202. session held on February 28, 2024 adopted a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at...
Appointment of a new Working Group/Implementation Committee
The Rector of the University of Dubrovnik has set up a new working group to prepare the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers for the...
Successfull Award renewal
Further to online Site visit by EC evaluators and re-submitting the necessary documentation for the renewal process, UNIDU has been informed by the European...
Online Site-visit by EC experts
As a part of the procedure for the HR Excellence in Research Award renewal University of Dubrovnik hosted an online Site – visit with...
HRS4R Renewal Process
In 2019 University of Dubrovnik entered into the process of renewal of the HR Excellence in Research Award. Rector of the University appointed a...
University of Dubrovnik Committment
The University of Dubrovnik, recognizing itself in the inspiring principles of these important developments adopted Charter & Code on 3rd May 2010. Together with...