HRS4R Renewal Process

In 2019 University of Dubrovnik entered into the process of renewal of the HR Excellence in Research Award.  Rector of the University appointed a working group to produce the analysis of the current situation in terms of implementation of the Charter and the Code for Researchers and then to develop a new Human Resources Strategy for Researchers for the period 2019-2022, with an associated Action Plan.

The Working Group/Implementation Committee includes researchers from all research areas represented at the University who are at different stages of their research careers, and also members of related administrative services as follows:

  1. Prof.  Martin Lazar, PhD, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Science
  2. Adriana Lipovac, PhD,  Electrical Engineering and Computing department
  3. Assist. prof. Kruno Bonačić, PhD, Aquaculture department
  4. Assist. prof. Stjepan Srhoj, PhD, Department for Economics and Business
  5. Rade Garić, PhD, Assist. Research Scientist, Institute for Marine and Coastal Research
  6. Mateo Miguel Kodrič Kesovia,, Assistant, Arts and Restoration department
  7. Dalibor Ivusic, Secretary General
  8. Andjelka Marinovic, Head of HR Office
  9. Matej Trpin, dip.iur.,  Head of Office for Quality Assurance
  10. Sandra Memunic, Head of Office for International Relations and Scientific Projects

Further implementation of the principles of the European Charter and the Code for Researchers and of the activities outlined in the new Human Resources Strategy for Researchers 2019 – 2022 will ensure:

  • increased attractiveness of the University as a desirable scientific research institution,
  • increased presence of the University of Dubrovnik in the European Research Network (ERA) and internationally,
  • the creation of an attractive, open and sustainable European labour market for researchers, where conditions allow the recruitment and retaining of high-quality researchers in environments that promote high quality of work and productivity.

This document complements and builds on the main University strategy that promotes systematic care for the existing and new scientific staff, respect for ethical principles, development of researchers and enhancement of the quality of research work.

Predhodni članakSatnica izvođenja nastave ljetni semestar akad. 2018./2019.
Slijedeći članakSvečano promovirani studenti koji su završili preddiplomske i diplomske studije