SuTra conference

Teachers of the Maritime Department of the University of Dubrovnik, Assistant Professor Srđan Vujičić, PhD, Assistant Professor Nermin Hasanspahić, PhD, Assistant Professor Darijo Mišković, PhD, and Miho Kristić, Bachelor in Marine Navigation (dipl. ing. pp.) participated in the first International Conference on Sustainable Transport – SuTra 2022), which was held in Opatija, from 29 September to 1 October 2022. This conference was organised jointly by the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka and the University North in Koprivnica, with a co-organisation of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka and the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport in Portorož. The teachers from the Maritime Department of the University of Dubrovnik participated in the organisational programme and committee and in heading the respective conference sections. More than 20 institutions and companies from the transport and maritime sector participated in this conference. The conference’s intention was to bring together the key stakeholders in the transport sector (maritime, railways, road and air) in order to hold interdisciplinary discussions about a sustainable future of transport. Apart from presentations by international scientists at interesting panels and round tables, it also hosted speakers from the academic community, business and government. Assistant Professor Srđan Vujičić, PhD, Head of Maritime Department, participated as a panellist in the discussion about maritime education challenges.

Predhodni članak2022 European Researchers’ Night at the University of Dubrovnik
Slijedeći članakOdržan program Prvi dan na Sveučilištu 2022.