Colleagues from Egypt visit Department of Applied Ecology

Students from Egypt, accompanied by Professor Ragaa Ahmed from the Egypt’s Aswan University, are in the visit at the Department of Applied Ecology of the University of Dubrovnik.

This visit has been organised within the Erasmus+ programme (KA2 – Capacity building in the field of higher education), within the project ‘Knowledge Exchange in sustainable Fisheries management and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean region/FishAqu’.

The guests, accompanied by Assistant Professor Tatjana Dobroslavić, PhD, Head of Department of Applied Ecology, were received by Associate Professor Marijana Pećarević, PhD, Vice Rector for International Relations and Science, and Associate Professor Sanja Žaja Vrbica, PhD, Vice Rector for Study Programmes and Students.

Senior curator Jadranka Sulić Šprem, PhD, gave the colleagues from Egypt an expert tour of the Dubrovnik Natural History Museum. Professor Nenad Antolović, PhD, Director of the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research Assistant, received the guests as well. They also visited the recently renovated Aquarium Dubrovnik.

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