Nebojša Stojčić

  • Hrvatski
  • English Nebojša Stojčić

aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 858
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
Branitelja Dubrovnika 29
Termin konzultacija:
Ponedjeljak i utorak 10-12
Redoviti profesor i istraživač u područjima industrijske ekonomije, ekonomije inovacija, urbane i regionalne ekonomije. Doktorsku disertaciju obranio je na Staffordshire University Business School unutar 10% najboljih studenata. Gostujući je profesor na Staffordshire University Business School, UK i Teaching Fellow CERGE-EI fondacije, Prag, Češka. Na Sveučilištu u Dubrovniku obavlja dužnost prorektora za poslovanje i voditelja Centra za istraživanje digitalne transformacije – CREDO. U dva mandata biran je za pročelnika Odjela za ekonomiju i poslovnu ekonomiju Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku.

Njegova istraživanja objavljivana su u vodećim svjetskim časopisima kao što su European Economic Review, Regional Studies, Technovation, Research Policy, Annals of Tourism Research, Small Business Economics i drugi. Autor je najcitiranijeg znanstvenog rada hrvatske ekonomije u razdoblju 2010-2020 (prema podacima baza Web of Science i Scopus. Bio je i voditelj najviše rangiranog projekta financiranog od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost u području ekonomije „Mogućnosti reindustrijalizacije hrvatskog gospodarstva – REINDUCE“

Nositelj je više kolegija iz područja opće ekonomije, mikroekonomije i ekonomije inovacija na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku. Kao vanjski suradnik sudjelovao je u izvođenju nastave na preddiplomskim i poslijediplomskim studijima visokoobrazovnih institucija u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i Velikoj Britaniji. Pod njegovim mentorstvom obranjene su dvije doktorske disertacije na Staffordshire University u Velikoj Britaniji. Trenutno je mentor jedne studentice na doktorskom studiju u inozemstvu. Bio je mentorom preko 20 završnih i diplomskih radova.

Prema podacima baze Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index ubraja se u top 5 najproduktivnijih hrvatskih znanstvenika u području ekonomije. Bio je voditelj 8 i istraživač na 18 znanstvenih i stručnih projekata financiranih u sklopu programa Obzor 2020, FP7, Erasmus+ CBHE, Erasmus+ Strateška partnerstva, Interreg, IPA, Hrvatske zaklade za znanost te brojnih drugih suradnji sa poslovnom zajednicom u Hrvatskoj i Središnjoj i Jugoistočnoj Europi. Mlađi je urednik časopisa Ekonomska misao i praksa (WoS ESCI), urednik sekcije u časopisu South East European Journal of Economics and Business (WoS ESCI/Scopus) te član uredništva više znanstvenih časopisa u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Bio je predsjednik znanstvenog odbora prve i druge znanstvene konferencije "Smart ideas and a new concept of economic regeneration in Europe – SINCERE“.


  • 115133 - Teorija poduzeća
  • 115143 - Primijenjena makroekonomija
  • 130238 - Konkurentnost suvremenih gospodarstava
  • 165109 - Ekonomska politika
  • 165813 - Applied macroeconomics
  • 185948 - Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom
  • 217607 - Upravljanje inovacijama
  • 239569 - Upravljanje inovacijama
  • 239909 - Upravljanje inovacijama
  • 241710 - Upravljanje projektima


  • 63601 - Izrada diplomskog rada
  • 227300 - Završni rad
  • 239909 - Upravljanje inovacijama
  • (2011) - Staffordshire University Business School
  • Poslijediplomski certifikat "Research Supervision" (2013) - Staffordshire University Business School
  • Poslijediplomski certifikat "Economics for Business Analysis" (2007) - Staffordshire University Business School
  • Poslijediplomski certifikat "Research Methods" (2006) - Staffordshire University Business School
Prema čimbeniku odjeka/Based on impact factor

Mikulic, J., Vizek, M., Stojcic, N., Payne, J., Čeh Časni, A. and Barbić, T. (2021). The effect of tourism activity on housing affordability. Annals of Tourism Research, Online first (IF: 5.908)

Stojcic, N. (2021). Social and private outcomes of green innovation incentives in European advancing economies. Technovation, 104 (IF: 5.729)

Hashi, I., Stojcic, N. (2013). The impact of innovation activities on firm performance using a multistage model: Evidence from the Community Innovation Survey 4. Research policy, 42(2) (IF: 5.351)

Baday Yildiz, E.,Dabic, M., Stojcic, N., Dindaroglu, Y. and Temel, S. (2021). Scrutinizing innovation performance of family firms in efficiency-driven environment. 129. (IF: 4.874)

Dabic, M., Stojcic, N., Simic, M., Potocan, V., Slavkovic, M. and Nedelko, Z. (2021). Intellectual agility and innovation in micro and small businesses: The mediating role of entrepreneurial leadership. Journal of Business Research. 123. (IF: 4.874)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Svilokos, T. (2020). The entrepreneurial gains from market integration in the new EU member states. Small Business Economics (Online first). (IF: 4.803)

Stojcic, N. (2021). Collaborative innovation in emerging innovation systems: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Technology Transfer 46(2). (IF: 4.147)

Stojcic, N., Orlic, E. (2020). Spatial dependence, foreign investment and productivity spillovers in new EU member states. Regional Studies, 54(8). (IF: 3.312)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Aralica, Z. (2019). Do firms in clusters perform better? Lessons from wood-processing industries in new EU member states. Forest Policy and Economics. 109. (IF: 3.139)

Stojcic, N., Orlic, E. and Hashi, I. (2018). Creativity, innovation effectiveness and productive efficiency in the United Kingdom. European Journal for Innovation Management, 21(4). (IF: 2.613)

Stojcic, N., Vojinic, P. and Aralica, Z. (2018). Trade liberalization and export transformation in new EU member states. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 47 (IF: 2.023)

Stojcic, N., Srhoj, S. and Coad, A. (2020). Innovation procurement as capability-building: Evaluating innovation policies in eight Central and Eastern European countries, European Economic Review 121. (IF: 1.744)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Aralica, Z. (2019). Spatio - temporal determinants of structural and productive transformation of regions in Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Systems 42(3). (IF: 1.578)

Vujanovic, N., Stojcic, N. and Hashi, I. (2021). FDI spillovers and firm productivity during crisis: Empirical evidence from transition economies. Economic Systems, 45(2). (IF: 1.578)

Stojcic, N., Hashi, I. and Telhaj, S. (2013). Restructuring and competitiveness: Empirical evidence on firm behaviour in new EU member states and candidate countries. Eastern European Economics, 51(4) (IF: 0.854)

Stojcic, N., Aralica, Z. (2018). (De)industrialization and lessons for industrial policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Post-communist economies. 30(6) (IF:0.875)

Stojcic, N. and Suman-Tolic, M. (2019). Direct and Indirect Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth. Ekonomický časopis. 67(3) (IF: 0.560)

Stojcic, N., Becic, M. and Vojinic, P. (2016). The impact of migration movements on innovation activities in Croatian counties. Drustvena istrazivanja/Journal for general social issues, 25(3). (IF: 0.491)

Nagrade i priznanja:
Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista
Područja istraživanja:
Ekonomija inovacija
Industrijska ekonomija
Urbana i regionalna ekonomija
Digitalna transformacija
Gospodarstva u razvoju
Objavljeni radovi:

Google Scholar
CROSBI Nebojša Stojčić

Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Economics and Business Economics
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 858
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
Branitelja Dubrovnika 29
Office hours:
Monday and Tuesday 10-12
Professor and researcher in fields of industrial economics, economics of innovation and urban and regional economics. He completed his PhD studies at Staffordshire University Business School with straight pass (among 10% best students). He is visiting professor at Staffordshire University Business School, UK and Graduate teaching fellow of Cerge-EI foundation, Prague, Czechia. At University of Dubrovnik he serves as vice rector for business affairs and director of Centre for research on digital transformation – CREDO. He was elected in two mandates as Head of Department of Economics and Business.

His research was published in world leading journals such as su European Economic Review, Regional Studies, Technovation, Research Policy, Annals of Tourism Research, Small Business Economics and others. He is the author of the most cited Croatian research in the 2010-2020 decade (Web of Science and Scopus data). His research project „Possibilities for reindustrialization of Croatian economy – REINDUCE“ is highest ranked project financed by Croatian science foundation in the field of economics.

Dr. Stojcic is module leader of several courses in fields of economics, microeconomics and economics of innovation at undergraduate and graduate programmes of the University of Dubrovnik. As external associate he taught at undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of higher education institutions in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and United Kingdom. Under his supervision two PhD theses were defended at Staffordshire University, UK. He is currently supervising one PhD student abroad. He was mentor of more than 20 bacherol and master level theses.

According to Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index data he is ranked among top 5 most productive Croatian scholars in the field of economics and business. He was leader of 8 and researcher on 18 projects financed within Horizon 2020, FP7, Erasmus+ CBHE, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, Interreg, IPA, Croatian Science Foundation and many other collaborations with business community in Croatia, Central and South Eastern Europe. He is junior editor of journal Economic Thought and Practice (WoS ESCI), section editor in South East European Journal of Economics and Business (WoS ESCI/Scopus) and member of editorial boards of several scientific journals in Croatia and abroad. He was president of scientific committee of first and second scientific conference „Smart ideas and a new concept of economic regeneration in Europe – SINCERE“.

  • 234384 - Selected topics in microeconomics
  • 234388 - Workshop: Plagiarism and Ethics in Research
  • 234387 - Workshop: Research Methodology for Writing PhD Thesis
  • 234396 - Presentation at scientific conference
  • 245880 - Submission of paper in Scopus/WoS journal
  • 254918 -
  • 254921 -
  • 254919 -
  • 234411 - Intellectual property management
  • 234425 - Innovations, technology and industrial policy
  • 245854 - Intellectual property management
  • 115133 - Theory of Firm
  • 115143 - Applied Macroeconomics
  • 165109 - Economic Policy
  • 239569 - Innovation Management
  • 241710 - Project Management
  • 217607 - Innovation Management
  • 185678 - Hotel Investments
  • 239909 - Innovation Management
  • 130238 - Competitiveness of Contemporary Economies
  • 115101 - Croatian Economy
  • 165786 - Microeconomics
  • 165813 - Applied macroeconomics
  • 220696 - Selected topics in microeconomics
  • 220707 - Workshop: Plagiarism and Ethics in Research
  • 220708 - Presentation at scientific conference
  • 227319 - Submission of paper in Scopus/WoS journal
  • 227321 - Work on PhD thesis
  • 245739 - Work on PhD thesis
  • 245740 - Work on PhD thesis
  • 245743 -
  • 129929 - Microeconomics
  • 220762 - Innovations, technology and industrial policy
  • 220747 - Intellectual property management
  • 185948 - Intellectual property management
  • 234384 - Selected topics in microeconomics
  • 245881 - Submission and public defence of PhD research topic
  • 245886 - Work on PhD thesis
  • 234411 - Intellectual property management
  • 234425 - Innovations, technology and industrial policy
  • 245854 - Intellectual property management
  • 227300 - Final Thesis
  • 239909 - Innovation Management
  • 63601 - Work on Final Degree Thesis
  • 220696 - Selected topics in microeconomics
  • 220706 - Workshop: Research Methodology for Writing PhD Thesis
  • 227320 - Submission and public defence of PhD research topic
  • 220762 - Innovations, technology and industrial policy
  • 220747 - Intellectual property management
  • Phd (2011) – Staffordshire University Business School
  • PgCert Research Supervision (2013) – Staffordshire University Business School
  • Pg Cert Economics for business analysis (2007) – Staffordshire University Business School
  • Pg Cert Research Methods (2006) - Staffordshire University Business School
Prema čimbeniku odjeka/Based on impact factor

Mikulic, J., Vizek, M., Stojcic, N., Payne, J., Čeh Časni, A. and Barbić, T. (2021). The effect of tourism activity on housing affordability. Annals of Tourism Research, Online first (IF: 5.908)

Stojcic, N. (2021). Social and private outcomes of green innovation incentives in European advancing economies. Technovation, 104 (IF: 5.729)

Hashi, I., Stojcic, N. (2013). The impact of innovation activities on firm performance using a multistage model: Evidence from the Community Innovation Survey 4. Research policy, 42(2) (IF: 5.351)

Baday Yildiz, E.,Dabic, M., Stojcic, N., Dindaroglu, Y. and Temel, S. (2021). Scrutinizing innovation performance of family firms in efficiency-driven environment. 129. (IF: 4.874)

Dabic, M., Stojcic, N., Simic, M., Potocan, V., Slavkovic, M. and Nedelko, Z. (2021). Intellectual agility and innovation in micro and small businesses: The mediating role of entrepreneurial leadership. Journal of Business Research. 123. (IF: 4.874)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Svilokos, T. (2020). The entrepreneurial gains from market integration in the new EU member states. Small Business Economics (Online first). (IF: 4.803)

Stojcic, N. (2021). Collaborative innovation in emerging innovation systems: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Technology Transfer 46(2). (IF: 4.147)

Stojcic, N., Orlic, E. (2020). Spatial dependence, foreign investment and productivity spillovers in new EU member states. Regional Studies, 54(8). (IF: 3.312)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Aralica, Z. (2019). Do firms in clusters perform better? Lessons from wood-processing industries in new EU member states. Forest Policy and Economics. 109. (IF: 3.139)

Stojcic, N., Orlic, E. and Hashi, I. (2018). Creativity, innovation effectiveness and productive efficiency in the United Kingdom. European Journal for Innovation Management, 21(4). (IF: 2.613)

Stojcic, N., Vojinic, P. and Aralica, Z. (2018). Trade liberalization and export transformation in new EU member states. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 47 (IF: 2.023)

Stojcic, N., Srhoj, S. and Coad, A. (2020). Innovation procurement as capability-building: Evaluating innovation policies in eight Central and Eastern European countries, European Economic Review 121. (IF: 1.744)

Stojcic, N., Anic, I-D. and Aralica, Z. (2019). Spatio - temporal determinants of structural and productive transformation of regions in Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Systems 42(3). (IF: 1.578)

Vujanovic, N., Stojcic, N. and Hashi, I. (2021). FDI spillovers and firm productivity during crisis: Empirical evidence from transition economies. Economic Systems, 45(2). (IF: 1.578)

Stojcic, N., Hashi, I. and Telhaj, S. (2013). Restructuring and competitiveness: Empirical evidence on firm behaviour in new EU member states and candidate countries. Eastern European Economics, 51(4) (IF: 0.854)

Stojcic, N., Aralica, Z. (2018). (De)industrialization and lessons for industrial policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Post-communist economies. 30(6) (IF:0.875)

Stojcic, N. and Suman-Tolic, M. (2019). Direct and Indirect Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth. Ekonomický časopis. 67(3) (IF: 0.560)

Stojcic, N., Becic, M. and Vojinic, P. (2016). The impact of migration movements on innovation activities in Croatian counties. Drustvena istrazivanja/Journal for general social issues, 25(3). (IF: 0.491)

Awards and recognitions:
Croatian economic society
Research interests:
Economics of innovation
Industrial economics
Urban and regional economics
Digital transformation
Advancing economies
Published papers:

Google Scholar

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