Anamarija Falkoni
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Pomorski odjel
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 744
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
A27Ćira Carića 4
Termin konzultacija:
srijedom 10:00 - 11:00 sati
Anamarija Falkoni (rođ. Šare) rođena je 25. srpnja 1987. godine u Dubrovniku, Hrvatska. Opću gimnaziju završila je 2006. godine u Dubrovniku. Diplomirala je 2012. godine na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu s temom ''Utjecaj elektrifikacije transporta na krivulju potrošnje električne energije i integraciju obnovljivih izvora energije u Dubrovačkoj regiji''. Od 2013. godine zaposlena je na Pomorskom odjelu Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku u zvanju asistentice. Iste godine upisala je poslijediplomski studij na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Trenutno radi na izradi doktorske disertacije na temu ''Napredno planiranje energetski samodostatnih širih gradskih područja kroz razvoj pametnog energetskog sustava.'' Autorica je 8 znanstvenih radova u časopisima i zbornicima međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova, od čega su 3 u CC časopisima. Sudjelovala je u radu na nacionalnom projektu iRESEV – ICT-podržana integracija električnih vozila u energetske sustave s visokim udjelom obnovljivih izvora energije.
84373 - Brodski klimatizacijski sustavi
84386 - Obnovljivi izvori energije u pomorstvu
84389 - Modeliranje i simuliranje u pomorstvu
Anamarija FALKONI, Vladimir SOLDO, Goran KRAJAČIĆ, Matko BUPIĆ, Iva BERTOVIĆ:''UTILIZATION OF RES USING SEAWATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP WITH AND WITHOUT ENERGY STORAGE Comparison of thermal and battery energy storage ''// Thermal science, 24 (2020), 6A; 1-12 doi:10.2298/TSCI (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Falkoni, Anamarija; Pfeifer, Antun; Krajačić, Goran // Vehicle-to-Grid in Standard and Fast Electric Vehicle Charging: Comparison of Renewable Energy Source Utilization and Charging Costs // Energies, 13 (2020), 6; 1510, 22 doi:10.3390/en13061510 (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Falkoni, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran // Linear correlation and regression between the meteorological data and the electricity demand // Thermal science, 20 (2016), 4; 1073-1889 doi:10.2298/tsci151209157f (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Šare, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven // The integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles into the power system of the Dubrovnik region // Energy, sustainability and society, 5 (2015), 1; 1-16 doi:10.1186/s13705-015-0055-7 (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Područja istraživanja:
energetsko planiranje
električna vozila
obnovljivi izvori energije
dizalice topline
Objavljeni radovi: Anamarija Falkoni
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Maritime Transport
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 744
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
A27Ćira Carića 4
Office hours:
every Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 h
Anamarija Falkoni (born Šare) was born on July 25, 1987 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. She graduated Gymnasium in Dubrovnik in 2006. She got her master’s degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb with a master’s thesis: ''The Impact of Electrification in the Transport Sector on the Power Curve and the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in to the Power Systems of the Dubrovnik Region''. Since 2013 she has been working as a teaching assistant at the Maritime Department University of Dubrovnik. That same year she signed up for the PhD studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb. She is currently working on her PhD thesis ''Advanced planning of energy self-sufficient wider urban areas using smart energy system approach''. She is author of 8 scientific papers in journals and international scientific conference proceedings, of which 3 in CC journals. She participated in national project iRESEV – ICT- aided integration of Electric Vehicles into the Energy Systems with a high share of Renewable Energy Sources.
129775 - Thermodynamics 1
146025 - Thermodynamics 2
84386 - Renewable Energy Sources in Shipping
84373 - Marine Air-Conditioning Systems
84389 - Modelling and Simulation in Shipping
129756 - Technical Mechanics 1
129772 - Technical Mechanics 2
32985 - Marine Refrigeration Systems
73974 - Basics of Engineering I
73976 - Basics of Engineering II
Anamarija FALKONI, Vladimir SOLDO, Goran KRAJAČIĆ, Matko BUPIĆ, Iva BERTOVIĆ:''UTILIZATION OF RES USING SEAWATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP WITH AND WITHOUT ENERGY STORAGE Comparison of thermal and battery energy storage ''// Thermal science, 24 (2020), 6A; 1-12 doi:10.2298/TSCI (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Falkoni, Anamarija; Pfeifer, Antun; Krajačić, Goran // Vehicle-to-Grid in Standard and Fast Electric Vehicle Charging: Comparison of Renewable Energy Source Utilization and Charging Costs // Energies, 13 (2020), 6; 1510, 22 doi:10.3390/en13061510 (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Falkoni, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran // Linear correlation and regression between the meteorological data and the electricity demand // Thermal science, 20 (2016), 4; 1073-1889 doi:10.2298/tsci151209157f (Q3 in JCR ranking)
Šare, Anamarija; Krajačić, Goran; Pukšec, Tomislav; Duić, Neven // The integration of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles into the power system of the Dubrovnik region // Energy, sustainability and society, 5 (2015), 1; 1-16 doi:10.1186/s13705-015-0055-7 (Q3 in JCR ranking)