prof.dr.sc. Branko Glamuzina
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za akvakulturu
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 445 741
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
B28Ćira Carića 4
Termin konzultacija:
Svaki ponedjeljak 13 00
Završio diplomski (1986) i magistarski studij (1989) na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu i i doktorski studij na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu (1998) u polju temeljne biologije i grani zoologije.
239877 - Uvod u marikulturu
239906 - Genetika u marikulturi
52752 - Diplomski rad
239877 - Uvod u marikulturu
239906 - Genetika u marikulturi
Diplomirani biolog i magistar znanosti iz ekologije
Doktor bioloških znanosti
Wang, Wensheng; Xu, Jinchao; Zhang, Wenfeng; Glamuzina, Branko; Zhang, Xiaoshuan. 2021. Optimization and validation of the knowledge- based traceability system for quality control in fish waterless live transportation. Food Control, 122 (2021), 4; 107809, 12 doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107809
Glamuzina, Branko; Tutman, Pero; Glamuzina, Luka; Vidović, Zoran; Simonović, Predrag; Vilizzi, Lorenzo. 2021. Quantifying current and future risks of invasiveness of non-native aquatic species in highly urbanised estuarine ecosystems—A case study of the River Neretva Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea: Croatia and Bosnia– Herzegovina). Fisheries management and ecology, 27 (2020), 6; 1-9 doi:10.1111/fme.12463
Nekvapil, Fran; Cintă Pinzaru, Simona; Barbu– Tudoran, Lucian; Suciu, Maria; Glamuzina, Branko; Tamaș, Tudor; Chiș, Vasile. 2020. Color-specific porosity in double pigmented natural 3d-nanoarchitectures of blue crab shell. Scientific reports, 10 (2020), 3019; 1-16 doi:.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60031-4
Fran, Nekvapil; Mihaela, Aluas; Lucian Barbu- Tudoran; Maria, Suciu; Rares-Adrian Bortnic; Glamuzina, Branko; Simona, Cîntă Pinzaru.2019.
From Blue Bioeconomy toward Circular Economy through High-Sensitivity Analytical Research on Waste Blue Crab Shells. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7 (2019), 16820-16827 doi:.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04362
Rimmer, Michael; Glamuzina, Branko. 2019. A review of grouper (Family Serranidae: Subfamily Epinephelinae) aquaculture from a sustainability science perspective. Reviews in aquaculture, 11 (2019), 1; 58-87 doi:10.1111/raq.12226
Osnivač i Direktor Razvojno-istraživačkog centra za marikulturu u Stonu (2002-2007)
Nagrade i priznanja:
Nagrada za mlade znanstvenike 1989: Slobodna Dalmacija
Područja istraživanja:
Znanosti o moru
Priobalno i estuarsko ribarstvo
Ekologija morskih i slatkovodnih riba
Objavljeni radovi:
prof.dr.sc. Branko Glamuzina
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Aquaculture and Coastal Management
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 445 741
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
B28Ćira Carića 4
Office hours:
Finsihed graduated (1986) and master (1989) studies at University of Sarajevo and PhD study (1989) at University of Zagreb in the field of basic biology and branch of zoology.
239877 - Introduction in Mariculture
239906 - Mariculture Genetics
227370 - Marine Fishery
232787 - Marine Fishery
214323 - Ecology of estuaries and wetlands
227371 - Ecology of Climate Change
227376 - Integral Coastal Management
239877 - Introduction in Mariculture
239906 - Mariculture Genetics
52752 - Thesis
227370 - Marine Fishery
232787 - Marine Fishery
214323 - Ecology of estuaries and wetlands
227371 - Ecology of Climate Change
227376 - Integral Coastal Management
Master of Biology and Master of Science in Ecology
Doctor of Natural Sceinces in the Biology
Wang, Wensheng; Xu, Jinchao; Zhang, Wenfeng; Glamuzina, Branko; Zhang, Xiaoshuan. 2021. Optimization and validation of the knowledge- based traceability system for quality control in fish waterless live transportation. Food Control, 122 (2021), 4; 107809, 12 doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107809
Glamuzina, Branko; Tutman, Pero; Glamuzina, Luka; Vidović, Zoran; Simonović, Predrag; Vilizzi, Lorenzo. 2021. Quantifying current and future risks of invasiveness of non-native aquatic species in highly urbanised estuarine ecosystems—A case study of the River Neretva Estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea: Croatia and Bosnia– Herzegovina). Fisheries management and ecology, 27 (2020), 6; 1-9 doi:10.1111/fme.12463
Nekvapil, Fran; Cintă Pinzaru, Simona; Barbu– Tudoran, Lucian; Suciu, Maria; Glamuzina, Branko; Tamaș, Tudor; Chiș, Vasile. 2020. Color-specific porosity in double pigmented natural 3d-nanoarchitectures of blue crab shell. Scientific reports, 10 (2020), 3019; 1-16 doi:.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60031-4
Fran, Nekvapil; Mihaela, Aluas; Lucian Barbu- Tudoran; Maria, Suciu; Rares-Adrian Bortnic; Glamuzina, Branko; Simona, Cîntă Pinzaru.2019.
From Blue Bioeconomy toward Circular Economy through High-Sensitivity Analytical Research on Waste Blue Crab Shells. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7 (2019), 16820-16827 doi:.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04362
Rimmer, Michael; Glamuzina, Branko. 2019. A review of grouper (Family Serranidae: Subfamily Epinephelinae) aquaculture from a sustainability science perspective. Reviews in aquaculture, 11 (2019), 1; 58-87 doi:10.1111/raq.12226