izv.prof.dr.sc. Dubravka Bartolek Hamp
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za stručne studije (u osnivanju)
E-mail :
146550 - Ublažavanje boli
171273 - Klinička anestezija i intezivna medicina u sestrinstvu
146550 - Ublažavanje boli
146554 - Diplomski rad
izv.prof.dr.sc. Dubravka Bartolek Hamp
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department for Professional Studies
E-mail :
171273 - Clinical Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Nursing
146550 - Pain Relief
159181 - Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care Medicine
159205 - Pain Relief
189746 - Anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care
189747 - Pain management
146550 - Pain Relief
146554 - Thesis
159181 - Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and Intensive Care Medicine
159204 - Thesis
159205 - Pain Relief
189746 - Anesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care
189747 - Pain management