Ivan Grbavac, dipl. ing.
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za elektrotehniku i računarstvo
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 20 0000 0000
Lokalni telefon :
Ured (prostorija):
D09Ćira Carića 4
Termin konzultacija:
Srijedom u 11 sati
Ivan Grbavac je diplomirani inženjer računarstva te je u postupku stjecanja doktorata na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Trenutno radi kao asistent na Odjelu za elektrotehniku i računarstvo Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku gdje je uključen u više projekata i u nastavu na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima.
63587 - Projektiranje informacijskih sustava

Ivan Grbavac, dipl. ing.
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Engineering and Technology
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 0000 0000
Telephone Extension :
Office (room):
D09Ćira Carića 4
Office hours:
Svakoi dan od 9 do 17 sati
Ivan Grbavac is a Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science and PhD student at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is working as a research assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Dubrovnik where he is involved in projects and teaching at undergraduate and graduate studies
39672 - Computer Networks
158609 - Operating Systems
171122 - Basics of Computer Networks and Communication Protocols 2
171118 - Standalone Software Design and Implementation
52742 - Computer Analysis and Design
63587 - Design and Development of Information Systems
158613 - Theoretical Computer Science