izv.prof.dr.sc. Marijana Musladin

  • Hrvatski
  • English
izv.prof.dr.sc. Marijana Musladin

aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Odjel za komunikologiju
E-mail :
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+385 20 446 011
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Termin konzultacija:
utorkom nakon predavanja; e-mailom
Rođena u Dubrovniku 10. prosinca 1980. Diplomirala, magistrirala i doktorirala na Fakultetu političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (područje društvenih znanosti, polje politologija, grana međunarodni odnosi i nacionalna sigurnost).
Na preddiplomskom i diplomskim studijima Odjela za komunikologiju Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku izvodi nastavu na osam kolegija. Objavila je niz znanstvenih radova u hrvatskim i inozemnim znanstvenim publikacijama u području međunarodnih odnosa, nacionalne i međunarodne sigurnosti. Sa svojim izlaganjima sudjelovala na dvadesetak međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova. U više navrata bila je na znanstvenim usavršavanjima u inozemstvu (Slovenija, Slovačka). Članica je Hrvatskog politološkog društva te članica uredništava dvaju međunarodnih znanstvenih časopisa. Predsjednica je Povjerenstva za izdavačku djelatnost i članica Etičkog povjerenstva Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku. Od 1. prosinca 2020. voditeljica diplomskih studija Mediji i Odnosi s javnostima Odjela za komunikologiju.


  • 229272 - Međunarodna sigurnost i suvremeni sigurnosni izazovi
  • 238990 - Mediji i integracijski procesi
Roško, Marko; Musladin Marijana; Kazanský, Rastislav., Counter terrorism in the United Kingdom: Sustainable measure or violation of human rights // Journal of Security and sustainability Issues, 9 (2019), 2; 603-615
Musladin, Marijana; Cverlin, Monika., Implementing neoliberal ideas: New Orleans educational reform following Katrina // Politické vedy, 2 (2020), 2/2020; 134-156.
Musladin, Marijana., Sjeverna Makedonija u kontekstu regionalne sigurnosti // Suvremene TEME / CONTEMPORARY issues, (2019.) god. 10., br. 1. (2019), 27-41
Car, Viktorija; Musladin, Marijana., Digital Activism and Human Security: Two Cases of Croatian Leaks // Teorija in praksa, 55 (2018), 2; 445-461
Musladin, Marijana., Transformation of the Croatian security and defense system in the Euro-Atlantic context // Croatia and the European Union Changes and Development / Pero Maldini, Davor Pauković (ur.).
Dorchester, UK: Routledge, 2015. str. 177-194
Područja istraživanja:
međunarodni odnosi
nacionalna i međunarodna sigurnost
suvremene sigurnosne ugroze
europska politika sigurnosti
europska politika susjedstva
Objavljeni radovi:

Google Scholar

izv.prof.dr.sc. Marijana Musladin

Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
Department of Communicology
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 20 446 011
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Office (room):
Office hours:
Utorak (B tjedan) 8:00-16:00
She was born in Dubrovnik on December 10, 1980. She received her bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees (social sciences, political science, international relations and national security) from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb.
She teaches eight courses at the undergraduate and graduate level of the Department of Mass Communication at the University of Dubrovnik. She has published a number of scientific papers in Croatian and foreign scientific publications in the field of international relations, national and international security. She has presented at about twenty international scientific conferences in the country and abroad.She has attended several scientific trainings abroad (Slovenia, Slovakia). She is a member of the Croatian Political Science Association and a member of the editorial board of two international scientific journals. She is a member of the Publishing Committee and the Ethics Committee of the University of Dubrovnik
Married, mother of two children.
  • 234421 - National and international security
  • 252661 - International Relations and European Integrations
  • 252667 - Human Rights and Globalisation
  • 252666 - Baccalaureus Project
  • 229272 - International security and contemporary security challenges
  • 238990 - Media and Integration Processec
  • 220758 - National and international security
  • 234421 - National and international security
  • 220758 - National and international security
  • 171504 - Preparation of the Final Paper
Roško, Marko; Musladin Marijana; Kazanský, Rastislav., Counter terrorism in the United Kingdom: Sustainable measure or violation of human rights // Journal of Security and sustainability Issues, 9 (2019), 2; 603-615
Musladin, Marijana; Cverlin, Monika., Implementing neoliberal ideas: New Orleans educational reform following Katrina // Politické vedy, 2 (2020), 2/2020; 134-156.
Musladin, Marijana., Sjeverna Makedonija u kontekstu regionalne sigurnosti // Suvremene TEME / CONTEMPORARY issues, (2019.) god. 10., br. 1. (2019), 27-41
Car, Viktorija; Musladin, Marijana., Digital Activism and Human Security: Two Cases of Croatian Leaks // Teorija in praksa, 55 (2018), 2; 445-461
Musladin, Marijana., Transformation of the Croatian security and defense system in the Euro-Atlantic context // Croatia and the European Union Changes and Development / Pero Maldini, Davor Pauković (ur.).
Dorchester, UK: Routledge, 2015. str. 177-194
Research interests:
international relations
national and international security
contemporary security threats
European security policy
European Neighborhood Policy
Published papers:

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