The European University Alliance EUNICoast officially launched

The European University Alliance EUNICoast, which brings together universities from coastal and island regions of Europe, officially commenced its activities at the kick-off meeting and the first Rectors’ Board meeting held from January 21 to 23 at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland. The University of Dubrovnik, as a member of the alliance, was represented at the meeting by rector Nebojša Stojčić and his associates.

During the meeting, the alliance’s priorities were defined, including the establishment of research and teaching hubs, the creation of joint offices and bodies, the development of joint study programs, the enhancement of student and staff mobility, and the strengthening of collaboration with partners from the business sector and public institutions.

‘The launch of the EUNICoast Alliance marks a new era of international collaboration for the University of Dubrovnik. Our students and staff now have the opportunity to participate in knowledge and resource exchange, as well as in projects that contribute to the sustainable development of coastal and island regions,’ stated rector Stojčić.

The EUNICoast Alliance connects 12 universities located along the seven seas of Europe. Among its members are Åland University of Applied Sciences from Finland, Burgas Free University from Bulgaria, EMUNI University from Slovenia, Université des Antilles and Université Le Havre Normandie from France, the University of Sassari from Italy, the University of the Azores from Portugal, the University of the Balearic Islands from Spain, the University of Dubrovnik from Croatia, the University of Patras from Greece, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences from Germany, and the West Pomeranian University of Technology.

Together, these universities comprise 127,000 students, 10,500 academic and administrative staff, and 111 faculties and departments. The alliance collaborates with over 80 partners, including institutions from the fields of education, industry, public sector, and civil society, creating a vast network for knowledge and resource exchange.

‘Participation in this alliance enables the University of Dubrovnik to develop innovative educational models and interdisciplinary projects, opening up new international opportunities for our students and staff,’ emphasized Associate professor Marijana Pećarević, Vice-Rector for science and sustainability and the institutional coordinator of the alliance at the University of Dubrovnik.

The first joint projects of the alliance are expected to launch in 2025, with a particular focus on the sustainable development of coastal and island regions, interdisciplinary research, and the creation of joint study programs. European University Alliances, initiated through the Erasmus+ program, aim to strengthen international cooperation among European universities.

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